Our twins

Jacob Saul and Shana Yvonne were born on February 9th, 1997. They weighed 5 lbs 12 ounces, and 4 pounds 4 ounces, respectively. Everyone came through the birth process amazingly healthy.

In the first month after they were born, I was ambitious and scanned in two batches of pictures: Since then, I never got up the energy to play with the scanner and scan in more. And now, I can't even find a scanner at work any more, and I don't own one.

But we just got a digital camera, and so I've uploaded bunches of photos. And scrounged together some new technology. Of course, that leaves a 20-month gap where you see no pictures of them as well.


More pictures will hopefully appear, but I won't necessarily update this page. Click the above link to check.

Yes, I'm having way too much fun with this. Oh well, at least my relatives enjoy it...

Terry Weissman <terry@weissman.org >
Last modified: Tue Jan 5 16:12:07 1999